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Epidemic Tent -1



       The epidemic tent is a temporary construction tent for emergency response during the epidemic. It can quickly deploy emergency tents and solve the emergency needs in disaster relief. Guangao adopts a modular design structure, and the prefabricated epidemic tents it has launched are perfectly integrated into the emergency use of the epidemic situation. Rest places, hospital entrance and exit security checkpoints, waste discharge medical rooms, temporary storage areas for medical aid items, etc.

        Guangao epidemic tents can be built quickly in 1-3 days. The structure is stable and durable. It adopts high-quality aluminum alloy materials, PVC tarpaulins with high self-cleaning performance, ABS walls, etc., which has a large space utilization rate and can meet different needs. , There are a variety of options for the custom size of the tent, the interior layout and accessories, and accessories. Although there are no requirements for the site to build a tent, factors such as waste water and sewage will be considered. The construction plan has been prepared in advance. With Guangao's 15 years of industry experience, the construction technology is trustworthy!

定安县| 渝北区| 葵青区| 炉霍县| 丘北县| 池州市| 陇南市| 依安县| 巨野县| 迭部县| 札达县| 南部县| 涪陵区| 桂平市| 望江县| 天祝| 舞阳县| 中牟县| 怀宁县| 克东县| 舒兰市| 拜泉县| 阳高县| 汝南县| 苍山县| 怀化市| 乐至县| 伊春市| 通城县| 凯里市| 苏尼特右旗| 论坛| 年辖:市辖区| 福州市| 泾源县| 自治县| 陇南市| 陆丰市| 祁门县| 玉田县| 钟山县|